Tuesday, 22 March 2011


                                      WORLD'S SUPERLATIVES


Country (in area)   ---- Russia          

Country(in population) ---- China

Continent (in population) -----Asia

City(in area) ------Mount Isa, Queensland (Astralia)
                                  41,225 sq.km.

Dam -------------------------Grand Be (USA)

Dome ------------------------Gol Gumbaz(India)

Irrigation Scheme -------------Lloyd Barage(Pakistan)

Island ------------------------Kalaallit Nunat

Library -----------------------National Kie Libruary(CIS)

Museum ---------------------American Museum of Natural History,
Ocean -----------------------Pacific

Palase----------------------- Vatican

Planet -----------------------Jupiter

Port -------------------------New York(USA)

Stamp----------------------- Penny Block

Zoo ------------------------ Krager National Park(S.Africa)


Airport    --------------------Lhasa(Tibet)

Active Volcano -----------------Guallatiri(Chile)

Bridge ----------------------------Milav (France) (1000 feet)

City ----------------------------Wenchuan(China)

Capital City --------------------La Paz (Bolivia)

Dam ---------------------------The Grands (Switzerland)

Dormant Volcano --------------Llullaillaco (Chile)(6,723 m)

Extinct volcano------------------Cerro Aconcagua,Argentina (6960 m)

Lake ----------------------------Taticaca,Peru-Bolivia

Mountain peak ------------------Everest (Nepal) (8848 m)

Mountain Range -----------------Himalayas (Asia)

Plateau --------------------------Pamir(Tibet)

Railway line ---------------------Lhasa to Xinings (China)
                                                         (5072 m height)
Road ---------------------------Leh Nobra Road (India )

Volcano ------------------------Kitopaxi(Ecuador)

Water fall ---------------------- Angel (Venezuela)


Cantilever Bridge --------------Quebec Bridge ,Canada

Canal (irrigation) ---------------The Kalakumsky Canal

Canal -------------------------Suez Canal

Epic --------------------------The Mahabharatam

Mountain range --------------Andes (South America)

Platform --------------------Kharagpur (india)

Railway platform -----------Kharagpur (India)

River ----------------------Nile (6679k m )

Railway ------------------- Trans Siberian Railway
                                          (Moscow to Nakhodka),9,438km
Reef -----------------------Great Barrier Reef (Australia)

Snake ---------------------Anakonda

Water fall ------------------Angel (Venezuela)

Wall -----------------------Great wall of China,3460km.


Aeroplane ----------------- Air bus-380

Archipelago ---------------  Indonesia (3000 islands)

Airport --------King  Khalid International Airport,Suadi Arabia

Bird ---------------     Ostrich

Bay ---------------Hudson Bay( Northern Canada)

Beach -------------Virginia beach(USA)

Building ----------- Pentagon(USA)

Cathedral ---------Cathedral church

Church -----------St.Peter's Basilica(Rome)

Creature ---------Blue Whale

City --------------Tokyo (Japan)
                                    (in population)
City(in area) -------London (Britain)

Continent ---------Asia   (in area)

Country    ---------- China
                                        (in population)
Delta  -------------Sundarbans ( India)

Dome ------------ Astrodome (USA)

Desert ------------Sahara desert (Africa)

Electorate --------India

Epic --------------Mahabharath

Forest -----------Coniferous forest of Northern CIS

Gulf -------------Gulf of Mexico

Gorge  -----------Grand canyon,Colorado river , Arizona

Irrigation Scheme ---- Llyod Barrage (Pakistan)

Island ---------------Greenland (Renamed kalaallit Nunaat)

Lake ----------------Caspian Sea (Salt water)

Lake ----------------Lake Superior (Canada) (Fresh water)

Library ------------United states Library of Congress,

                                  Washington, DC

Land Animal   --------African Elephant

Museum  -------------American Museum of Natural History

Mosque -------------Jama Masjid, Delhi(India)

Ocean -------------- Pacific

Open University -------- Indira Gandhi National Open University
                                           (above 2 lakhs students)
Peninsula -------------Arabia ( area:3,250,000sq.km)

Park -----------------Yellow Stone National Park (USA)

Port ------------------Rotterdam (Netherlands)

Religion ---------------Christianity

River -----------------Amazon

Sea ------------------South China Sea

Stadium -------------Strahov Stadium,Prague,Czech

Sea Port -------------Port of New York

Sea bird ------------Albatross

Temple -------------Angkor Vat(Kampuchea)

Tree    --------------- General Sharman Tree, California

Zoo ---------------- Etosha Reserve (South West Africa)


Bird -----------------Humming bird

Country ------------- Vatican City

Country ------------- Vatican City
                                (both in area and population)
Continent ------------Australia

Ocean ----------------  Arctic

Planet ---------------- Mercury

Republic -------------  Nauru


Airport -----   Schiphol International Airport, Amsterdam

Mountains ---------Bheinna Bhaile

Point on the earth ----- Dead sea(Israel-Jorden)


Animal ---------------------- Giraffe

Building --------------------- Burz (Dubai)

Fountain --------------------- Fountain hills (Arizona)

Minaret ---------------------- Sultan Hassan Mosque (Egypt)

Statue ------------------------ Motherland,Volgograd (Russia)

Tree (living)-------------------Coast Redwood, California,USA

ANIMALS (largest and biggest)

Fastest  animal at short run ----------Cheetah

Largest  existing land animal -------- Elephant

Largest sea animal -------------------- Blue Whale
Longest  lived  creature ------------- Blue whale(500 years)

Most Intelligent animal ------------- Chimpanzee

Tallest animal ------------------------ Girraffe

Largest bird -------------------------- Ostrich

Largest sea bird ---------------------Albatross

Fastest bird -------------------------- Swift

Largest mammal -------------------Whale

The Wingless bird or flightless bird --------Kiwi

The tree that weeps ----------------Laurel tree
                                                       (in the canary Islands)
Smallest bird ----------------------- Humming bird

Largest neck ----------------------- Giraffe

The reptile which chages its colour ------ Chameleon

The bird that never makes its nest ------- cuckoo